Sunday, April 6, 2008

"I'm A Beauty" Award : April

I never realized how difficult it would be to choose one woman to recieve the award for April. Each nominee has a unique brand of beauty and a story that speaks volumes about what it means to be a wonderful mother. How could I choose just one? I couldn't. So I took each beautiful nominee and assigned them to a month. Every month, the blog will feature a new beautiful mother to represent the award and what it means. This month the featured beauty is:


Azareel was nominated by her daughter, Corinne. Here is what Corinne shared about her mother and why she chose to nominate her:
"About a year and a half ago, my mom went through something a little scary called Alopecia Areata. It is a disease where you lose your hair. It came on all of a sudden. Before the diagnosis we weren't sure what was going on. Our family was very concerned for my mother's health. She was diagnosed with Diabetes 5 years ago. We weren't sure if that was causing it or she had something else going on. Needless to say, she lost 90% percent of her hair on her head. Through prayer and medicine her hair is now all back, thank the Lord.
So the reason I want to nominate her is not only because she is So Beautiful on the Outside...(that's a given *wink*) She is beautiful on the inside! She showed such tremendous strength and Faith during the whole time she lost her hair and the length of time it took to grow back. My mom is such a strong woman who never doubted the Lord for a second, never complained or cried or ever asked the question "Why me?" Instead she looked at the positive! I remember her saying once ..."Well I always liked hats and always wanted to wear them but couldn't because of my big hair...but now I can." What a tremendous example she was! My mom is beautiful on the outside but most importantly she contains a beauty on the that only comes from being a God Fearing Woman! A woman I hope to become one day! "

Thank you, Azareel for being a shining example of what a beautiful mother truly means! Your story has greatly touched me as I'm sure it will everyone who reads this.
Be sure to check back next month to find out who the next nominee is. There is still time to nominate a woman who may know exemplifies an "I'm A Beauty" role model. Simply email the name, picture and reason for the nomination to the email address in the side bar. Congratulations Azareel!

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1 comment:

Carrie Postma said...

Az is a tremendous woman. I love being around her...she always makes me laugh and puts a smile on everyone's face. Good choice for your pick this month!