Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Much Needed Lift

My lovely cousin, Melissa and I, are putting the final touches on the "Precious Note" project. Having never designed a website before, it has proven to be a tad difficult. But the message behind the project is so powerful that I feel compelled to put my heart and soul into making it as wonderful as possible.
I'm not saying that it hasn't has its trying moments, however. During the process of installing various HTML codes, I was failing miserably and ready to bawl my eyes out. April first is right around the corner and the site is not ready. Then I pulled out my photo box to find a picture for the profile page. The first thing my hand grabbed was a photo of Grandpa holding me as a toddler. The tears flooded my face as I recalled how he encouraged me to persevere in the face of adversity. He never did anything for me, in the event that I struggled. Instead, he patiently sat by my side and taught me how to do the job right. I secretly wished that he was still with me, offering his words of wisdom and undivided attention.
Then, as i was checking my email, I came across one from my cousin. This was the message:

"Mama's note for the day: Don't waste time waiting for inspiration. Begin and inspiration will find you.

Her words, combined with Grandpa's memory, gave me the gentle upward nudge that my spirits needed to once again take flight. "Precious Notes" is a labor of love and the product of a loving mother's wish to continually guide her daughter, after passing on. No matter how lacking I am in the areas required to make this project aesthetically perfect, my heart is in it. I will give it my all and pray for guidance from the Father. No matter the outcome of our efforts, I will always know that we tried our very best. It is a beautiful project that I am proud to be a part of.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Best wishes on all those opening and closing tags! Heehee...It will all work out. :)